The most common question of anyone trying to develop their intuition or psychic abilities is, “Is this real or am I making this up?” The answer is always, “Yes.”
Just because it stems from you doesn’t mean it’s invalid. After all, Divinity is within. There is a poster in our bedroom that I hung up when E-Max was born. It is one of those stunning images from the Hubble Telescope - the Universe in breathtaking technicolor. At the bottom there is a quote from Albert Einstein: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” I want to take that idea a step further and say imagination is essential to knowledge. Imagination is the precursor to knowledge. Everything you see before you, every object in your life, every rule that governs your day, every individual action, every collective belief, every societal norm, every accepted fact started in the imagination. Began as a “what if” or vision. There was a moment, at least, when your cup of coffee, your car, your home, these words you’re reading, existed as just a thought or a speculation.
I try to live my life with a skeptic’s eye and an open mind. One thing that can bother me about skeptics, however, is their gusto for debunking. Being able to explain something within the known laws of science and logic shouldn’t make it less important or amazing. Sure, search for an explanation, but don’t seek to take the power from an experience. The two can coexist. Finding an explanation shouldn’t make it any less meaningful.
Here’s an example of what I mean. After returning home from Kathy Milano’s Angelic Immersion Retreat, I started noticing that I would see the time 11:11 at least once a day. A quick search on Google and it’s clear 11:11 is kind of a big deal and many consider 11 to be a number of the Angels. There are many forums in which I would be able to share my 11:11 experiences and get many stories in return.
However, this obsession with 11:11 can be easily explained. Our brains like patterns. They like symmetry. And though we have a limit, they like repetition. Seeing 11:11 on a digital clock is like candy for our brains. They take note of it and it gets priority seating in our memories. You can notice a slight difference in your reaction if you were to observe this time on an analog clock. Not nearly as “exciting.”
As a new mother, constantly concerned with feeding times and nap times, I find myself looking at the clock quite frequently each day. Also, technology has made it so that there is always a digital representation of the time within my view: cellphones, time displays on the TV and computer, cable boxes, microwaves, ovens, iPod docks, radios, cars, etc. It’s not unlikely that I would catch the time at 11:11, am or pm, each day.
But do you know what first occurs to me whenever I see 11:11? I get a little happy. A little lighter, as if I just remembered something important and wonderful. Do I merely explain it away as a idiosyncrasy of the brain? No. I suppose I could, but where’s the fun in that? My first thought, even though I know all this, is “Angels!” Usually followed either by “Thank you!” or “Help!” You see it doesn’t matter if 11:11 is an Angel number or just a pattern my brain finds pleasant to notice, because I’ve decided that it will serve as a meaningful sign for me. It is precisely because my brain urges me to drop everything and take notice every time I see 11:11 that makes it a perfect reminder of my Connection with Divinity.
And you know what? That’s perfectly okay. It is okay to choose our signs. To choose what we notice. We are well within our Divine Right. Free Will is a defining characteristic of our Humanity. Our practice of it is integral to our Re-Connection with the Divine. Begin with the simple practice of choosing your signs. Set your intention and then see what you notice as the days and weeks unfold. Give credit to your imagination. It is a powerful tool. Don’t close your eyes to it or dismiss it as child’s play. Instead, tune in. Listen to what it’s telling you and see what happens. Witness the magical transformation of your life. I’d love to hear about your journey!
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